Tuesday, March 15, 2005

once upon a time

i don't know how it happened but the following days, we were always sending messages to each other. he visits me on my lunch breaks. we even ate lunch together, at the right time - noon! there are a couple of times when he'd walk from his office to my building and meet me by the steps. we would always talk. we learned more things about each other and made our presence felt... that somehow we cared. there was even a time when we talked over the phone for 2 hours. he called me from his mobile (just imagine the bill that he'll be getting by the end of the month!). he told me that he'd rather spend money talking to someone he wanted to talk to, than save the money but not hear that person's voice. it made me feel really special... though i was making myself believe that he was just being nice. he would send me messages that i find really sweet, then i would always hold back the idea of him liking me back. it was just impossible.

but then friday came. i told him that i'll visit him this time. i bought him the new album of Tori Amos (beekeeper) and a bar of chocolate. i guess he liked it. we walked to this tavern near my place, had dinner there and talked. we were asking each other questions when he suddenly asked...

"what were you thinking when i was laughing out loud while watching South Park last sunday?"

i just felt like this would be the best moment to tell him everything...

"i'm gonna tell you a secret. the first time i met you 3 years ago, i found you really cute. but then i knew that you were up there. you wouldn't want to make friends with a normal person like me. i had this impression that you would only want to hang out with people like you... models, high profile people etc."

"that's not true!"

"well that's how i felt. anyway, you were laughing and i was at the kitchen counter behind you, i cant stop staring at you. that was the only time when you wouldn't really notice me. i just took advantage of the moment. i found it really cute. it made me like you more."

there was silence for a couple seconds, then it was his turn. he told me that he really liked my eyes. he said he could't stop looking at me while we were eating before heading to his friend's place. when we took the cab, he sat in front so that everytime he he looked, it wouldn't be obvious.

"after that night, i was telling my friend that you never left my mind. you were everywhere, in the office, at home, you were there inside the room when i was talking to him, i didn't know how to start it, i told myself that this guy has to like me. i asked him for your number and there, i sent you a message."

i will never forget that night. everything was revealed.

we decided to walk to his office and spend the night at his place listening to music. we both loved music. that's one of the things that we have in common.

there was a time when he just took my hand and we walked under the moonlight not saying anything...
and i didn't need anything more.


Blogger Paolo said...

Blessed are those who are patient for great things will come to them. My instincts never failed me yet... this is a match made in heaven and I for one wouldn't want to see it breaking apart. Slow dear. Take it slow. You'll be amazed as to what it can lead you...

1:30 PM  

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