Wednesday, July 02, 2008

The sun is gone

I was sitting by the beach, watching the sunset. I still remember the energy I had when the sun was still at its peak. I remember how beautiful things are. I saw every grain of sand, I saw my footprints, I could see everything. Now it’s dark, only a yellow lining is left shining in the horizon. The sun is gone. I am alone now in the freezing cold. But I’m still awake. Not a single hint of sleepiness, not even tiredness flowed through my body. Because of my despair of being left, I sought after following the sun, so I ran to the horizon, continued running until the cold water is up to my chest. That’s when I stopped and realized I have no where to go. I looked around; all I see are white lines that define the ripples on the water’s surface. That was it, the perfect state of misery, I knew I can’t do anything, the sun is leaving me.

Though my mind was saying I can make it until sunrise, my senses were not helping at all. Every wave of the sea struck my heart with brutal force causing my heart to ache in longing; all I hear are the waves that intensified the pain of each hit and the wind blew hard that every brush through my skin made me shiver in desolation. I felt so helpless. I wanted to shout… I wanted to cry… but all I did was look down, took a deep breathe, and told myself that everything’s gonna be fine. I stayed there for a few minutes, trying to let the hurt fade, but nothing changed. Memories are the only things stayed in me, and they exaggerated the pain I felt. Suddenly a tear fell from my eye. I wiped it away using my finger and felt its warmth. The warmth came from the sun I thought, it was the source of my energy, now that it’s gone, what’s gonna happen to me? Will I die before sunrise?

I saw my hands clench. All the things I felt, helped me release the burden. Now, tears are flowing, I was crying so bad that I could hardly breathe. I mustered all the strength left in me as I took a deep breath, opened my mouth and shouted at the top of my lungs. It was the resonance of sorrow. I shouted several times, hoping that the sun would hear me. I heard echoes of the words that came from my mouth…


How could you do this to me?

We made a promise…

I want you back…

Please don’t leave me…

I wanted to drown right there and then for the sun has already left me, but I know it’s not right. After the outcry, I was left there, hands on my face, tears flowing relentlessly… then I whispered… “Give me back my heart…”


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